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Year in Review
Equality, diversity and inclusion in the school's DNA
Year in Review
Equality, diversity and inclusion in the school's DNA
A strong commitment to CSR
Marine Renewable Energies in the spotlight
Published on November 27, 2020
Updated on July 28, 2021
Research at Centrale Nantes focuses on three major challenges for growth and innovation: factory of the future, energy transition, and engineering for health. In 2019, a growing number of projects contributed to the development of Marine Renewable Energies.
CNRS Workshop on Marine Renewable Energies
January 21, 2019
The second edition of the CNRS Workshop on Marine Renewable Energies of the GdR CNRS 3763 EMR will take place this year in Le Havre, Normandy from 13 to 17 May 2019.
WEAMEC, piloting the future European network of SMEs in the Marine Renewable Energy sector, OPIN
February 1, 2019
In October 2018, the OPIN (Ocean Power Innovation Network) Project was approved in the sixth INTERREG NWE call for projects. It is coordinated by SEAI (Sustainable Energy Authority of Ireland). OPIN aims to accelerate the growth of the European MRE industry by improving the innovation performance of SMEs in North-West Europe, notably by developing their network and their knowledge of innovation.
LHEEA and SEM-REV at Seanergy 2019
February 25, 2019
The international forum dedicated to Offshore Wind and Marine Renewable Energy is taking place from 5th to 7th June 2019 in Dunkirk (France)
SEM-REV making waves at the Palais de Tokyo
February 25, 2019
In early 2019 the team at SEM-REV were asked to contribute to a work of art using the movements of a buoy installed on SEM-REV and subjected to wave action.
OCEANEXT 2019 conference in July 2019
March 28, 2019
OCEANEXT 2019 is the second edition of the international multidisciplinary conference, initiated in 2016 by the COSELMAR programme (2013-2017). Organized by the 'Institut Universitaire Mer et Littoral (IUML)', the general theme of OCEANEXT 2019 is "Building the future of marine and coastal socio-ecosystems". The conference will bring together international scientists and will emphasize the multidisciplinary nature of the issues addressed.
Centrale Nantes is taking part in the 2019 edition of FOWT
March 29, 2019
FOWT - where the big names in the offshore floating wind industry meet once a year.
EMRSIM conference: Simulation and Optimization for Marine Renewable Energies
April 4, 2019
With the support of GDR-EMR, GDR-EGRIN (CNRS), Inria and Amies, the conference "Simulation and Optimization for Renewable Marine Energies" will be held in Roscoff from 2 to 5 July 2019 at the Research and Teaching Centre in Marine Biology and Ecology.
Blue-GIFT opens 1st call for applications for ocean energy demonstration
April 23, 2019
The €2.5 million Blue-GIFT (Blue Growth and Innovation Fast Tracked) project is pleased to announce the 1st call for applications. Funded by Interreg Atlantic Area, the Blue-GIFT project is a coordinated ocean energy technology demonstration programme encouraging longer-term demonstration and technology de-risking across the Atlantic Area regions.
Ocean DEMO opens first call to support ocean energy farm installations
May 14, 2019
The first Ocean DEMO call for applications is now open. Successful applicants will receive free access to test their ocean energy products and services in real sea environments at the project’s network of test centres. Technology developers can apply for support packages to test multi-device farms or single devices able to scale up to multi-device in the future.
FORESEA, finalist in the public vote of the Citizens’ Award at EU Sustainable Energy Week
May 17, 2019
EU Sustainable Energy Week (EUSEW) is Europe's largest event dedicated to renewables and efficient energy use.
FRyDoM-Community Edition (CE) Open Source release
May 20, 2019
Centrale Nantes & D-ICE Engineering are very pleased to announce the first release of the FRyDoM-CE framework under the GPLv3 open source license.
3 Centrale Nantes conferences during the "Mer XXL" exhibition
June 29, 2019
July 10, 2019
Centrale Nantes is taking part in the "Mer XXL" exhibition in July 2019 - as an exhibitor in the "Carré des Sciences" - but also as the organiser of 3 conferences.
Centrale Nantes and SEM-REV at SEANERGY 2019
June 7, 2019
SEANERGY 2019 closed its doors today. Centrale Nantes and the SEM-REV test site were particularly well represented at the forum, notably through their presence in the Pays de la Loire pavilion alongside other regional players in MRE. A look back at the highlights over the 3 days!
Our ocean research at the "LA MER XXL" exhibition
June 29, 2019
July 10, 2019
The sea harbours many secrets and treasures, which man has sought to exploit as a resource for transportation or food. It poses many questions for the scientific community and represents a vast field of study.As part of the "La Mer XXL" exhibition which will take place from 29 June to 10 July 2019 in Nantes, seven key players in higher education and research will come together to present their research on this vast subject to the general public.
Live weather data from the offshore test site
July 10, 2019
SEM-REV, Centrale Nantes' offshore test site, which has been in place for over ten years now, continues to develop its operational and research tools. You can now consult the metocean data recorded at the offshore site located 10 nautical miles from Le Croisic and in the surrounding area.
RESOURCECODE to develop marine data toolbox for energy sector
August 14, 2019
A new project, funded by Ocean Energy Era-Net Cofund, has been launched to support investment and growth in the wave and tidal energy sector through the creation of an integrated marine data toolbox. The RESOURCECODE project brings together the European Marine Energy Centre (EMEC), Ifremer, Ocean Data Lab, SmartBay Ireland, Centrale Nantes, University College Dublin, University of Edinburgh and INNOSEA.
4th call now open for free access to MaRINET2 offshore renewables testing
August 15, 2019
The fourth call for the EU-funded MaRINET2 project opens today until 30th September. The project offers free access to a world-leading network of testing and research infrastructure. The call is open to offshore energy technology developers, including offshore wind, wave and tidal energy at system and component level.
The IHES Consortium led by GEPS Techno installs the wave energy recovery prototype WAVEGEM® on the Centrale Nantes offshore test site
August 26, 2019
On Wednesday 21 August 2019, the WAVEGEM wave energy recovery platform was installed on Centrale Nantes' SEM-REV site, kicking off 18 months of offshore testing.
New testing in the Centrale Nantes Ocean Tank
September 18, 2019
Mocean Energy is a fast-growing company based in Edinburgh researching ocean wave energy. Mocean is developing wave energy converters – WECs – machines that convert the mechanical energy of ocean waves into electricity.
Tank testing for the Blue Growth Farm Project
September 24, 2019
October 25, 2019
The "Blue Growth Farm" project involves the development of a multi-purpose offshore platform which will accommodate an aquaculture system, a wind turbine and wave-power systems.
A new LiDAR - innovative measuring device to characterize wind and atmosphere - for the LHEEA Laboratory
October 9, 2019
The LHEEA has recently acquired a scanning LiDAR, an innovative measuring device to characterize wind and atmosphere. It will be used for marine renewable energy (MRE), urban atmosphere and air quality applications.
A look back at the EAWE PhD Student Seminar
November 5, 2019
The 15th EAWE PhD seminar on wind energy in Europe was held at Centrale Nantes from 29 to 31 October 2019.
Centrale Nantes providing support to SBM Offshore for the deployment of an offshore test site in Monaco to test their S3® Wave Energy Converter
November 15, 2019
SBM Offshore is developing a unique type of wave energy converter, which measures 60 metres in length and 1.2 metres in diameter. The operating principle of this prototype is based on wave propagation which deforms a flexible structure made of Electro Active Polymers, thus generating electricity.
Kick-off for FLOAWER: the European Project coordinated by Centrale Nantes. Recruitment for 13 early stage researchers now open
December 5, 2019
FLOAting Wind Energy netwoRk (FLOAWER) is an Innovative Training Network (ITN), a European project that brings together leading academics and industry leaders in the offshore wind industry, and floating wind turbines in particular. Its goal is to strengthen the leadership and competitiveness of this industry in Europe.
Floatgen achieves a total of 6 GWh of power production in 2019
January 17, 2020
Following very encouraging initial results communicated last July, the 2 MW Floatgen floating wind turbine, equipped with Ideol’s patented floating foundation and installed on the Centrale Nantes Offshore test site Sem-Rev (Atlantic Coast of France), exceeded production and availability expectations in the second half of 2019.
Published on November 27, 2020
Updated on July 28, 2021
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