Research and Innovation in 2023

Symposium on offshore wind energy

Marine Renewable Energies (or MRE) offer huge potential for meeting the energy challenge. Among them, offshore wind power is an alternative that is attracting increasing attention. Since the end of 2021, the ORACLE (Offshore wind Research Accelerator CLustEr) research network has brought together seven academic laboratories in Nantes whose activities are wholly or partly focused on offshore wind energy, in conjunction with WEAMEC, which brings together regional players in the marine renewable energy sector.
In November 2023, the members of the cluster organised a conference in Nantes, with the aim of bringing together academic research players. We will also be organising the European Wind Energy Science Conference (WESC 2025) in Nantes, which will bring together an international scientific community in the wind energy sector: another opportunity to encourage dialogue and, perhaps, foster new collaborations.

The following topics were discussed at the conference in November:
  • French offshore wind farms and the law
  • The economics of offshore wind power
  • Societal issues surrounding offshore wind energy
  • Wind resources in ‘unknown lands/seas’ and wind turbine wakes
  • Multi-physics couplings for optimising wind turbine performance
  • Modelling and in-service monitoring of offshore structures
  • Advanced control strategies for wind turbines and offshore wind farms

Centrale Nantes and MAN Energy Solutions extended their research chair on the gradual decarbonization of marine propulsion and electricity generation

In response to this major societal and industrial challenge - with over 80% of world trade transported by ship and ambitious emission reduction targets set by the International Maritime Organization - this period will be used to explore two complementary approaches:
  • Optimizing engines relative to their operating systems and
  • Improving engine components

Centrale Nantes is fully committed to addressing the challenges of climate change, in terms of its own impact, its research and training activities, and its working relationships with industry. We are delighted to have been working alongside MAN Energy Solutions for several years now, on the decarbonization of maritime transport, and to be contributing our recognized expertise to finding solutions for society.

Jean-Baptiste Avrillier, Director of Centrale Nantes

Four PhD theses currently underway at Centrale Nantes allow for more upstream investigation on hybrid naval propulsion, control of ship propulsion systems in the presence of swell, hybridization of diesel engine air supercharging systems and finally hybrid power generation.

Centrale Nantes enhances its leadership in the field of numerical simulation in fluid mechanics with the launch of a new research chair with Siemens

Building on their long-standing collaboration with Nextflow Software, Centrale Nantes and Siemens Digital Industries Software are stepping up their cooperation in the field of numerical simulation applied to fluid mechanics by launching a new joint research chair. The agreement provides for multi-year funding to the tune of several million euros, with the aim of keeping both organisations at the forefront of digital simulation technology using SPH methods.

With more than 30 years of activity in this field, the Research Laboratory in Hydrodynamics, Energetics & Atmospheric Environment (LHEEA) - Centrale Nantes and CNRS - is now recognised as an international leader in the field of numerical simulation using the SPH (Smoothed Particle Hydrodynamics) method.  SPH is a calculation method used to simulate fluid flows, particularly those causing impacts or encountering rapidly moving parts. It is particularly useful for studying the lubrication of gearboxes, the cooling of electric motors, tyre aquaplaning, or vehicle water management.  Based on this method, researchers at Centrale Nantes, in collaboration with their counterparts at CNR-INM in Rome, co-developed alongside Nextflow Software "SPH Flow", a software package that brings together the best applications of predictive simulation and design with this method. Siemens acquired Nextflow Software and this technology in 2021.

In the form of five modules, the scientific and technical programme of this new research chair aims to increase the accuracy, speed and robustness of Siemens' "Simcenter SPH Flow" software.
One of the modules involves using artificial intelligence to replace difficult physical equations and find solutions to complex problems.
With the aim of meeting the needs of engineering departments in the creation of new innovative products, three priority fields of application have been identified: fluid flows around vehicles, lubrication of transmissions and the cooling of electrical and electronic systems.

ILIAD project: the national "integrated cancer research site" (SIRIC) certification is extended for 5 years

Imaging and Longitudinal Investigations to Ameliorate Decision-making in multiple myeloma and breast cancer (ILIAD) is a regional consortium led by Irecan - a health cooperation grouping - which brings together Nantes University Hospital, Institut de Cancérologie and Angers University Hospital. Its partners are INSERM, the Arronax cyclotron, Centrale Nantes, the universities of Nantes and Angers and Atlanpole.

Two Centrale Nantes laboratories are involved in the project: the Jean Leray Mathematical Institute and the Laboratory of Digital Sciences of Nantes (LS2N).

The ILIAD project aims to develop a new approach to get answers to the key questions about the resistance of cancer cells to treatment, and tumour heterogeneity. A better understanding of tumour development and its environment at all stages in the patient's treatment will help combat therapeutic failure for multiple myeloma and breast cancer.

For the next five years, SIRIC ILIAD's remit will be to conduct high-level multidisciplinary research, thanks to the know-how of the project's partners: universities, health establishments, associations, engineering schools, research laboratories, etc. Ultimately, the objectives are to improve patient remission and cure rates, and to raise awareness among professionals to include and adapt the professional life of cancer patients.
Published on October 9, 2024 Updated on January 21, 2025