Training and employability 2023

Our new Bachelor of Science in Engineering is now accredited

Centrale Nantes is expanding its international education offer with the creation of a new Bachelor of Science (BSc) in Engineering. With a first intake in September 2023, the programme is designed for international students and will be taught in English on its Nantes campus. The three-year BSc programme is now accredited by the CTI (Commission des Titres d’Ingénieur) and students that obtain this degree will be awarded a national bachelor level certificate. This new Bachelor builds on our experience at undergraduate level with the four-year Bachelor in Engineering taught in Mauritius and Nantes from 2016 through to 2022 and follows on from the co-creation of the BBA in Data & Management with Audencia Business School which saw its first intake of students in September 2021.

Centrale Nantes and Sciences Po Rennes sign an unprecedented partnership agreement

This partnership, which reflects a shared ambition to promote educational excellence and student versatility, underlines the determination of Centrale Nantes and Sciences Po Rennes to work together to offer innovative training that meets the major societal challenges of the 21st century. The agreement gives Centrale Nantes engineering programme students the opportunity to complete a double degree with Sciences Po Rennes. This involves completing the first two years of engineering studies at Centrale Nantes, followed by the fourth and fifth years at Sciences Po Rennes (Master years 1 and 2).
Centrale Nantes students thus have access to a wide range of Masters programmes. They can choose from programmes in economics, political science, international relations, law, sociology, etc.

Centrale Nantes and Stevens Institute of Technology team up to offer a double PhD degree programme and unique international opportunities

In line with its commitment to making R&D careers more attractive to students, Centrale Nantes has adopted a proactive policy to promote PhD studies and this partnership with Stevens Institute of Technology is a valuable contribution towards encouraging this policy. This exceptional programme is geared towards all Centrale Nantes students with an interest in research and innovation, who are planning to work in deeptech and/or looking to pursue an international career. From the start of the 2024 academic year, funding will be made available to cover 4 years of thesis work (2 years provided by Centrale Nantes and 2 years by Stevens Institute of Technology) in 4 scientific areas: signal/image processing, mathematics, robotics and civil engineering. This initiative is likely to be repeated in the years to come, on topics to be defined.
Published on October 9, 2024 Updated on January 21, 2025