2023 in numbers

Ranked 7th by L'Étudiant
Centrale Nantes performed particularly well on the 'company forum' indicator, which shows the ability of engineering schools to mobilise companies during events where they offer students internships, degree apprenticeship programmes and jobs.
11th in the Figaro étudiant ranking
Centrale Nantes moves up in the Figaro étudiant's ranking of French engineering schools (post-classes préparatoires). For this ranking, schools are ranked on the basis of fifteen indicators divided into three main categories: Academic excellence, international and graduate employability. 

Centrale Nantes tops the ranking compiled by Les Echos START and ChangeNOW

For the third edition of this ranking, this top spot confirms the school's commitment and leadership in terms of sustainable development, with regard to its own impact, its research and training activities, and its relationships with its partners.
2300 students
including 1800 on the campus
including 34% international students
680 students graduated in 2023
193 PhD students supervised
including 24 CIFRE theses
€12.7 million in European projects over the last 5 years
Around €20m in research contracts
50% of the budget allocated to research
10% of courses deal exclusively with  sustainable development
a further 14% of courses include sustainable development aspects
51400 teaching hours
Published on November 25, 2024 Updated on January 14, 2025