on November 2, 2022
Founded in 2015, Eolink is a French engineering company developing an innovative floating wind turbine that aims to reduce the cost of energy. The company has patented a configuration that will make floating wind energy more accessible. By integrating the wind turbine on the float using 4 masts rather than a single tower, the structure is more resistant to marine conditions and its mass is reduced by 30%. In September 2016, Eolink reached TRL4 by successfully testing a 1/50th scale of 12 MW FOWT at IFREMER facilities. The tank tests included misaligned winds and waves conditions. In 2018, Eolink tested at sea a 1/10th reduced scale of 12 MW floating wind turbine, reaching TRL5. In 2020, Eolink and ECN signed an agreement for the installation of a 5MW floating wind turbine on the SEM-REV test site in France. In 2022, Eolink 5MW precommercial unit detailed design has been approved by Bureau Veritas.
VALOREM is a versatile green energy operator that develops renewable energy parks. Over the years, the group has diversified its activities to become a multi-energy operator and created subsidiaries specializing in the different phases of the life of a renewable energy production facility. The Group is divided into subsidiaries specializing in trades: VALREA, construction, VALEMO, operation and maintenance, OPTAREL, photovoltaic solutions on roofs and shadehouses (in particular self-consumption). In addition, the VALOREM Marine Solutions (VMS) brand offers all types of economic players expertise in the service of marine renewable energies and offshore wind power. For more than 25 years, the group has developed its activities in France and internationally. VALOREM now has more than 300 employees who share the same mission: to support the territories for the implementation of a solidarity energy transition.