8 projects selected in the second Institut Carnot MERS call

Applications were open from 21 May 2021 to 31 July 2021. The selection committee met on 15 November 2021 and selected 8 projects.

on November 23, 2021

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Winners of the MERS 2021 Carnot Institute's Internal Resourcing Call for Projects

Each Carnot labelled institute is allocated each year by the ANR a subsidy based on its contractual research turnover.

The subsidy allows financing projects and actions aiming at developing the scientific and technological resourcing of Carnot institutes, their professionalization, the development of socio-economic partnerships and the integration to the Carnot network.

The resourcing projects concern any action carried out by a Carnot institute in order to maintain or develop its scientific lead on a given theme or subject compared to the industrial state of the art.

This call for projects is the repayment of a part of the subsidy allocated to the Carnot MERS 2021 revenues, this repayment is used to finance projects on scientific locks or proofs of concept to contribute to a technological prospective.

The projects should meet the following criteria:
  • Address one of the 3 areas of iC MERS expertise: Safe, Smart and Sustainable Marine Industry
  • To answer the criteria of scientific quality, application potential and feasibility.

The selection committee, when announcing the results, underlined the quality of the projects submitted. In addition to the thirteen projects submitted in 2021, two projects submitted in 2020 have been reinstated among the projects to be evaluated. These are two highly ranked projects that could not be selected last year due to lack of funding.

8 selected projects :
  • Mesure haute résolution de champs de vagues en bassin de houle par stéréo-vidéo - Alan TASSIN (RDT)
  • Modélisation de l’ERosion des littoraux face aux Changements Climatiques - Giulio SCIARRA (GEM)
  • Optimisation de forme par des métamodèles multi-fidélité - Jeroen WACKERS (LHEEA)
  • Optimisation paramétrique des foils – Application à la voile Olympique - Benoît AUGIER (RDT)
  • Gravimétrie Mobile Sous-Marine - Charles POITOU (LGO)
  • Développement d'un dispositif de mesure de la dégradation chemo-mécanique des matériaux pleins ou creux immergés dans l'eau de mer - Frédéric GRONDIN (GEM)
  • Etude d'optimisation de l'extension du bassin de génie océanique NEMO2 - Jérémy Ohana (LHEEA)
  • Développement d’une méthode numérique innovante hybride à interpolation spatiale « généralisée » pour l’hydrodynamique - Guillaume Oger (LHEEA)
These 8 projects will benefit from a total budget of €649 020.
Published on November 23, 2021 Updated on October 27, 2022