on June 17, 2021
Nextflow Software is revolutionizing the field of numerical simulation with software co-developed since its inception with researchers from Centrale Nantes. Its software has major applications across the automotive, aerospace and marine sectors. A long-standing partnership between Nextflow Software and Centrale Nantes for co-development Researchers at Centrale Nantes’ LHEEA Laboratory and at the CNR-INM in Rome have over thirty years of experience in developing advanced software. It is their world-renowned expertise, in particular in the use of meshless CFD technology, that underlies this successful partnership. Erwan Jacquin, a Centrale Nantes graduate, founded Nextflow Software based on this technology in 2015, with Centrale Innovation making an equity investment.
Jean-Baptiste Avrillier, Director of Centrale Nantes: Siemens’ acquisition of a Centrale Nantes spin-off is a perfect illustration of both the excellence of the school’s research and the role it plays in economic development. Start-ups, SMEs, indeed companies of all sizes, can benefit from real support for their research working alongside Centrale Nantes. I am proud to be signing this transfer of ownership which marks the start of a new adventure with Siemens.
Vincent Perrier, CEO of Nextflow Software: Joining Siemens is real recognition for Nextflow Software and the culmination of a shared journey of which we can all be proud. It confirms the expertise acquired through our long-standing partnership with Centrale Nantes researchers, and represents real added value for our customers who see our technologies join Siemens' large portfolio of digital simulation solutions.