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Nous vous invitons à découvrir le rapport d'activité 2022 de Centrale Nantes / Read the 2022 Annual Report for Centrale Nantes
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Year in Review
Year in Review
Equality, diversity and inclusion in the school's DNA
A strong commitment to CSR
Training and employability
Research and Innovation
Research and Innovation
Research Institutes
Research and Innovation in 2023
Awards for research
English version
Year in Review
Equality, diversity and inclusion in the school's DNA
Year in Review
Equality, diversity and inclusion in the school's DNA
A strong commitment to CSR
Energy transition at the heart of research
Published on September 29, 2021
Updated on October 14, 2021
Research at Centrale Nantes is structured around three major challenges: the factory of the future, energy transition and engineering for health. In 2020, the projects that contributed to facilitating energy transition were particularly noteworthy. They involved for instance the use of marine renewable energy and research into sustainable concrete.
EOLINK's latest-generation floating wind turbine to be tested on Centrale Nantes’ SEM-REV offshore test site
December 11, 2020
On 3 December, the company EOLINK and Centrale Nantes formally agreed to install a 5MW floating wind turbine on the SEM-REV test site, off the coast from Le Croisic. Since hosting FLOATGEN, the first floating wind turbine in France on site from 2018, Centrale Nantes is pushing ahead and is set to welcome EOLINK shortly with its innovative and promising wind turbine prototype.
SWEL tests its wave system in the Ocean tank of Centrale Nantes, as part of the MEA project
November 18, 2020
SWEL, Sea Wave Energy Ltd, is a UK based company with its testing facilities located in Larnaca, Cyprus. The company came to Centrale Nantes in October under the MEA programme, an Interreg North West Europe project which aims to increase the technical and commercial maturity of upcoming technologies by providing access to industry leading testing facilities and experts from over the EU.
Sea-GRID Call for Expression of Interest - Five innovative projects selected to advance offshore energy production on the SEM-REV site
September 22, 2020
The partners of the Sea-GRID Call for Expression of Interest unveiled today the five winning projects! Enthusiastic responses were received across the board to this call, which aims to develop concrete and innovative solutions for the smart management of electricity produced offshore on the Centrale Nantes test site, SEM-REV. The selected projects focus on new energy storage solutions, multi-use offshore platforms, onshore uses and the development of an underwater hub...
Naval Group, Sirehna and Centrale Nantes renew their Joint Laboratory of Marine Technology
September 9, 2020
On 4 September, Naval Group, Sirehna and Centrale Nantes signed an agreement to continue their co-operation within their joint research laboratory, the Joint Laboratory of Marine Technology.
June 18, 2020
Marine Energy Alliance has reached a new milestone in june by awarding services to 23 small and medium-sized enterprises (SMEs) through its Second Call for Applications.
Research collaboration between the LHEEA (Centrale Nantes/CNRS), CRITTM2A and Gamma Technologies
May 6, 2020
The CRITT M2A Electrical Test Centre started work on the PEGAS²E (Energy Performance, Management and Autonomy of Electrical Storage Systems) four-year research programme on October 1st 2019.
Published on September 29, 2021
Updated on October 14, 2021
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