• M.R.E.,
  • Executive Education,

2018 WEAMEC Executive Education on Marine Renewable Energies

New for 2018: Core track training leading to the "MRE technical advisor" certificate.

on January 11, 2018

Centrale Nantes and the University of Nantes created 22 Executive Education modules within the WEAMEC (WEst Atlantic Marine Energy Community) framework, dealing exclusively with Marine Renewable Energies (MRE).

This training provision is intended to give companies and their teams the key to understanding the overall environment of Marine Renewable Energies and how to fit into the emerging MRE market. They will have a comprehensive overview, understand concepts and vocabulary, be able to position the different actors, and finally to identify and understand the implications of their products on the value chain and consider their potential integration into technological components.

A full session broken down into modules was held in early 2018.

WEAMEC (West Atlantic Marine Energy Community) federates the numerous academic stakeholders engaged in the field of Marine Renewable Energies (MRE) in the Pays de la Loire region. It brings together research and training institutions, research laboratories and teams, and key players in innovation and training. 80 manufacturers operating in the Marine Renewable Energy sector are also involved.
WEAMEC is supported by Centrale Nantes and its main partners, the University of Nantes, the EMC2 cluster, the IRT Jules Verne, with the support of the Pays de la Loire Region, ERDF, Nantes Métropole and CARENE.
Published on January 24, 2020 Updated on November 24, 2020