Two Académiciens - national academy members - at Centrale Nantes: mobilising university research in engineering teaching

Following on from Prof. Alain Bernard's appointment to the Académie des technologies and Prof. Nicolas Moës's appointment to the Académie des sciences, Centrale Nantes wishes to reflect on the place of science and technology in the training of tomorrow's engineers.

On July 9, 2021 from 14:30 To 17:00

This is an opportunity to honour these two new national academy members and to engage in a discussion with representatives of the Académie des Sciences and the Académie des Technologies, the state, companies and the socio-economic world in the Pays de la Loire region.


  • Welcome by the Director
  • Introduction to the half-day session: Nantes Métropole, Pays de la Loire region (to be confirmed) and the Rectorat de l'Académie de Nantes
  • The careers of Alain Bernard and Nicolas Moës on video
  • Dialogue between Alain Bernard and Nicolas Moës on "science and technology"
  • Round table with academy representatives and the socio-economic world: The place of university research in the training of tomorrow's engineers.

The speakers:

  • Philippe Auroy, President of Ampacing, a consulting firm in the field of advanced materials, former R&D Director of Baikowski and Saint-Gobain
  • Sébastien Candel, former President of the Académie des sciences, Emeritus Professor at Centrale Paris and a founding member of the Academy of Technologies
  • Gérard Creuzet, Chairman of the Board of Governors at Centrale Nantes, general representative of the Ecoles Centrale Group, President of the Institut Photovoltaïque d’Ile-de-France (IPVF), member of the Academy of Technologies
  • Dominique Vernay, former technical director of Thalès, former president of the FCS Paris-Saclay, co-rapporteur of the working group on partnership research and innovation for the LPPR, Vice-President of the Academy of Technologies.

The ceremony will be held at the school on 9 July 2021 (in French) in accordance with health regulations and will be broadcast live. (Link to be communicated later).
Published on July 1, 2021 Updated on November 9, 2022